integrating psychology & spirituality
“Psychology without spirituality is arid and ultimately meaningless, while spirituality without grounding in psychological work leads to vanity and illusions. ”
We bring a rich and complex understanding of both the spiritual and psychological realms of reality and work to support your soul's unfolding from this framework.
Whether you are having difficulty integrating some form of awakening experience or feeling very stuck in the mundane, we have practices and teachings that will support you on your journey.
Why are we here?
Yes it's a big question, but for us the answer is quite simple. We are souls in evolution, here to evolve our consciousness through a complex process of initiation and alchemy. Read More...
what informs our work
When we are feeling lost or disoriented, something not uncommon in our human experience, a map is very helpful in making sense of where we are and where we are going. Maps can assist us to plot our journey as well as help us to anticipate and find the courage to face the obstacles along the path. We have found both the complexity of Enneagram model and the simplicity of The Hero's Journey to provide a powerful and essential framework for understanding our souls path in it's process of evolution. Lately we have been exploring the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model and how all of these brilliant modalities come together.
the enneagram model
The image of the enneagram (ennea-nine, gram-image) dates back at least 3500 years and represents within it an entire universe of dynamic rhythms, patterns and laws that can be applied to virtually any aspect of reality. Read More...
The Enneagram Institute, Stone Ridge, NY
Canadian Institute for Enneagram Studies, Victoria, BC
the hero's journey
Joseph Campbell's lifetime study of the world's mythologies brought us the distilled essence of the movement of all our lives through what he called The Hero's Journey; the monomyth. This is the same story that we all know intuitively and love to watch again and again in our favourite Hollywood movies or read in our favourite books. We recognize it because we are all doing it. Our soul is on a journey and there are stages that we must go through for our growth and evolution. Read More...
How the hero's journey and the enneagram fit together
Recently we have been studying and observing the developmental stages around the outer circle of the enneagram in relation to the Hero’s Journey or Mono-myth. Read More...
Internal Family Systems Model (IFS) or “Parts Work”
IFS is a transpersonal, non-pathologizing model of healing and spiritual growth that understands the human psyche to be fragmented into multiple parts, all with their own personas and agendas. These parts have relationships with each other, and often conflicting agendas, in a similar way that members of a family have relationships. What is particularly transformative about this model is the understanding of an essential Self at our core that has not been fragmented or damaged despite our histories and various traumas. It is through bringing our Self energy forward and working individually with the different ‘protectors’ and ‘exiles’ in our system, that healing, integration and transformation happens.
Edward and Kira have been training in, personally experiencing and practicing IFS therapy since 2019 and are feeling quite enthusiastic and excited about how this model is catching fire all across the globe because of the profound healing and positive change people are experiencing.
We have also found the enneagram model to be extremely useful in our work with IFS as it shows us the dominant parts in each types system and how they interact together. These models are very compatible as IFS is a therapeutic strategy and the enneagram of personality is a complex map of our psyche. When we add to this Gurjieff’s original enneagram teachings of the laws of change and evolution (as it pertains to the Hero’s Journey) we have a vastly comprehensive model of transformation and a highly effective path to achieve it.
To learn more about the IFS model please check out the IFS institute.